The Code For REPAY:

                                function getData() {

                                    //gather user input
                                    let balance = parseFloat(document.getElementById("balance").value);
                                    let term = parseFloat(document.getElementById("term").value);
                                    let rate = parseFloat(document.getElementById("interestRate").value);
                                    //make calculations
                                    let calculatedData = calculateData(balance, term, rate);
                                    //write data to the page    
                                function calculateData(balance, term, rate) {
                                    let output = { 
                                        totalInterestPaid: 0,
                                        totalPrincipalPaid: 0,
                                        dataArray: [],
                                    let previousRemainingBalance = balance;
                                    for (let month = 1; month <= term; month++) {
                                        let totalMonthlyPayment = (balance) * (rate / 1200) / (1 - (1 + rate / 1200)**(-term));
                                        let interestPayment = previousRemainingBalance * rate / 1200;
                                        output.totalInterestPaid += interestPayment;
                                        let principalPayment = totalMonthlyPayment - interestPayment;
                                        output.totalPrincipalPaid += principalPayment;
                                        let remainingBalance = previousRemainingBalance - principalPayment;
                                        previousRemainingBalance = remainingBalance;
                                        if(remainingBalance < 0) {
                                            remainingBalance = 0;
                                    return output;

                                function formatToCurrency(amount) {
                                    return (amount).toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,'); 
                                function display(output) {
                                    //financial variables
                                    totalPrincipalPaid = output.totalPrincipalPaid;
                                    totalInterestPaid = output.totalInterestPaid;
                                    totalCost = totalPrincipalPaid + totalInterestPaid;
                                    dataArray = output.dataArray;
                                    if(dataArray[1] == undefined) {
                                        document.getElementById("monthlyPaymentLabel").innerHTML = '$' + formatToCurrency(0)
                                    else {
                                        document.getElementById("monthlyPaymentLabel").innerHTML = '$' + dataArray[1];
                                    document.getElementById("totalPrincipalLabel").innerHTML = '$' + formatToCurrency(totalPrincipalPaid);
                                    document.getElementById("totalInterestLabel").innerHTML = '$' + formatToCurrency(totalInterestPaid);
                                    document.getElementById("totalCostLabel").innerHTML = '$' + formatToCurrency(totalCost);
                                    //DOM variables
                                    let tableBody = document.getElementById("results");
                                    let templateRow = document.getElementById("repayTemplate");
                                    for(let i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i += 6) {
                                        let tableRow = document.importNode(templateRow.content, true);
                                        let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");
                                        rowCols[0].textContent = dataArray[i];
                                        rowCols[1].textContent = dataArray[i + 1];
                                        rowCols[2].textContent = dataArray[i + 2];
                                        rowCols[3].textContent = dataArray[i + 3];
                                        rowCols[4].textContent = dataArray[i + 4];
                                        rowCols[5].textContent = dataArray[i + 5];

The Design

To keep the code as clean as possible, the program is encapsulated into four functions:

  • getData
  • This function serves as the main entry point to the program. First, it gets the balance, term, and interest rate storing them into corresponding variables and converting them into floating points. Next, it creates a variable: "calculatedData" and assigns the object returned from the calculateData function passing it the three variables gathered from the user. Lastly, it calls the display function, passing it the calculatedData object variable.

  • formatToCurrency
  • Since there is no decimal type in JavaScript, this function is responsible for rounding to the hundreth's place and inserting commas and zeros in the proper places. It is used multiple times in the coming functions.

  • calculateData
  • This function is responsible for calculating the monthly payment, interest payment, principal payment, balance, total interest paid and total principal paid. It has three parameters: "balance", "term", and "rate". First, it creates and initializes an object called "output" which has three properties: "totalIntertestPaid", "totalPrincipalPaid", and "dataArray". It initiates the original balance in a variable called "previousRemainingBalance". Next, the function uses a for loop, where each iteration correlates to a month, looping each month until it hits the loan term. Within this loop, each variable needed is calculated and stored in the "output.dataArray". The idea is that a loop will read the first 6 locations in this array and assign them to their corresponding column in the table.

  • display
  • This function is responsible for manipulating the DOM to update the page's financial data labels and generate a table with the data passed in from calculateData(). It has one parameter, being the output object. This object parameter has the totalPrincipalPaid, totalInterestPaid, and dataArray properties. It first updates and formats the financial data labels. Next, it uses a template:

                                        <template id="repayTemplate">

    The next portion of the function is initializing the tableBody variable to the HTML table element that will store all of the results, and the templateRow variable which is assigned to the template above. Next it uses a for loop to loop through the dataArray, incrementing by 6 as there are 6 columns per row. Within the loop, there are two variables, first being tableRow which is assigned to the result of the document.importNode method. This method creates a copy of a DocumentFragment(template). The second variable is rowCols, which represents the columns in the table. After this, It assigns each rowCols.textContent to the value of the corresponding dataArray values. Lastly, it adds each row tableRow to the tableBody.